The TIP team had the privilege of visiting the Randolph Infirmary located in Winchester, Indiana in April 2018. The 58,000 square foot building was built in 1898-99. This was not the first building to be on the property as two other buildings previously stood, one being torn down because of poor conditions and then another building burnt down. The current building has served as and infirmary, asylum, nursing home and a storage facility after it was closed down in 2009.

Upon arrival, we were in complete awe of the size of the building. Once we entered, we were greeted by Ted, the historian of the property, and given a thorough tour of building and learned of the history. Ted was able to provide us with copies of newspaper articles that described how some of the residents had passed. It was very sad to see that a few had died in a horrific manner, such as hanging themselves in the basement. The building is made of brick and concrete. We were told that it was constructed by Masons and was shown the Mason symbol that is on one of the walls in the basement. With that being said, because of the enormity of the building and the fact that it was brick and concrete, it was very cold. Once we all layered up, we began to set up our equipment. We set up multiple cameras to try and record some of the apparitions that have been seen in the building. We also used our K-2 meters, recorders, ghost portal and x one device. We did not have many hits on our equipment. At one point, we did pick up a figure on the x one device in the basement, but it was rather fleeting. We investigated the building top to bottom, hitting all of the hot spots. After a long evening of investigating, we all turned into sleep in the front part of the building. We left the cameras running all night in hopes of catching an apparition, but to no avail.  All evidence has been reviewed and although with its long history, we did not catch anything during this visit.