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Edinburgh Manor

Ghost TIP

On May 19, Paul, Lesley, Christine, and Donna visited Edinburgh Manor in Iowa. The town of Edinburgh was originally the county seat of Jones County. In June 1840, the land located at section 36 in Wayne Township was originally deeded for courthouse purposes with the grant being signed by President Buchanan. Shortly after this grant the county seat was changed from Edinburgh and the commissioners kept the grant for the establishment of the county poor farm. Described as a "comfortable retreat for the lazy, able-bodied and willingly dependent applicants," the poor farm housed the poor, incurably insane and disabled. Tenants were given shelter and food for their labor. They would farm agriculture and livestock. The poor farm was in operation from 1850-1910 and in that time there were over 80+ documented deaths on the property. In 1910, the poor farm closed down and was demolished. Edinburgh Manor was then constructed from 1910-1911 to house the incurably insane, the poor and the elderly. Edinburgh Manor, also referred to as The Manor, was in operation until November 2010. Edinburgh has nice facilities in that there is a nice house next to it that you can sleep in. As usual we did a tour with the owner then set up our equipment. We had a few interesting finds on the Kinnect camera. While in one bedroom we saw a figure sitting in the corner on a chair. As usual on our investigations we had a non-paranormal weird thing happen. A group of teenagers circled the building in a pick-up yelling at us. We got a few potential evps which will be posted under evidence.


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