Thornhaven Manor
Thornhaven Manor
AC Clement House
Private Residence
Private Residence 3.16.18
Ashmore Estates
Private Residence
Private Residence
Return to the Goldenrod
Return to Farrar
Pollak Hospital
All of these are from a recorder left in the basement. There are many more squeals and bangs. We also included a couple of ghost box recordings. We also have others that might be answers to our questions.
The Lake House
These recordings are of a series of loud bangs and noises while Paul was there alone.
The Eldred House
Listen at 5 sec for a whisper about the chair. The other team members were sitting on the floor and Paul was moving to the only chair.
The Goldenrod Showboat
First listen for some undecipherable whisper and then a woman's voice saying "watch it"
At both the 6 and 9 second points listen for "mama". As the Goldenrod is not known to be haunted by a child spirit we suspect some other spirit may have been messing with us. One investigator mentioned they had watched the movie "Mama" the night before
These was captured on a recorder left in the boat's entrance-way. We did not hear any of this while doing sessions in other parts of the boat.
Conover House
Listen at about the 14 second point and then a few seconds later when our junior tipster says she heard something.
Listen at about the 16 second point
Ohio State Reformatory, Mansfield Ohio
Listen at about the 17 second point. Sorry for the static.
Beauty School
Listen at 25 seconds (volume high)
Listen at 1:25 (sorry for long clip)
Listen at :25
Strip Mall EVPs
Listen at approximately the 16 and 30 second points
Listen about half way through clip
Listen 8 seconds in
Listen 14 seconds in
Listen about 10 seconds
Listen at 14 seconds
Waverly (July 2014)
Listen at 4 seconds
Listen at 2 second point
Listen at 3 second point
Listen at 8 seconds